Projects and explorations. I also share snippets.
@nendlabs/clocA simple framework for running background tasks using cron expressions.
2025@nendlabs/logstAn sdk for the nendlabs logst api.
2025@nendlabs/nenvUtilities for node environment variables.
2024@nendlabs/notionUtilities for working with notion databases.
2024raightA writing editor using llms to provide iterative feedback.
2023codemarksA vscode extension for annotating your code.
2023LibraryBookmarks and resources by yours truly.
2023Browser StorageTesting browser storage APIs with crypto keys.
2023PhotosAutomagic photo grid, sorted by color.
2023tyrl.inA url shortener and obfuscator.
2022dynartCreating dynamic images with ssr & svgs.
2022dotshA cli tool for generating and running bash scripts using gpt-4.
2022htpA cli tool for http requests built with Go.
2022@ededejr/task-trackerRecord task duration and history.
2022TraffikaA cli tool for stress testing endpoints.
2022@ededejr/validateValidate payloads with ease.
2022LignesGenerative art built with React & p5.js.
2021@ededejr/randomlyRandom decisions over time.
2021AtmosAn exploratory project which utilizes the Web Audio API to apply effects to an audio source.
2021Go RouterSoftware for a physical device which helps with local routing.
2021@ededejr/msConvert time descriptors into milliseconds.